St Jude's Church of England Primary School


Online Learning at St. Jude's 

Children and Online Safety Away from School

It is important that all staff members who interact with children, including online, continue to look out for signs a child may be at risk. Any such concerns should be dealt with as per our Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy and where appropriate referrals should still be made to Southwark MASH (or its equivalent in another LA if the child resides in a different LA) and/or the police immediately. 

Online teaching should follow the same principles as set out in our school’s code of conduct. We will ensure any use of online learning tools and systems is in line with privacy and data protection/GDPR requirements.
Below outlines how online learning has been established at St. Jude's;

Set Up of Online Learning at St. Jude's

 - All children have a secure Gmail email account and iXL log in.
- Parents have access to children's account details, including passwords.
- Children and parents advised not to change passwords for school accounts.
- EYFS use Google site that all parents have access to.
- Years 1 to 6 use a Google Site and Google Classroom.
- SLT have access to all Google Sites and Google Classrooms.
- Teachers must only suggest platforms that are suitable for the age groups they are teaching and raise no privacy issues.

Communication with school staff online:

- Any photographs of learning must be sent to teacher's secure work email address.
- Children are invited to attend a Google Hangout at least once a week, where they can discuss any concerns about learning/communicate with peers.
- Eucharist is delivered online on a weekly basis by Father Andrew.

- Teachers and support staff regularly check and mark work submitted.
- Teacher and support staff monitor classrooms for inappropriate comments and reset behaviour expectations to individual children.
- Teachers and support staff have option of 'muting' children who can not follow online platform behaviour expectations, meaning that they will be able to submit work, but not comment.
- Permission is sought from parents and carers if their children are involved in video conferences.
- Children may access Google Hangouts during a time specified by a teacher only. They are not to set up Google Hangouts themselves.

Expectation of Online Learning at St. Jude's:

All children are expected to log in to the online platform daily.
- In EYFS, work is set for the week, with enough resources to cover an activity a day.
- In Year 1 to Year 6, three pieces of work are set daily via Google Classroom or on the individual class' Google Site.
- Our expectation is that every child submits at least one piece of online work a day (this should be a photo sent to the class teacher, an online submission, time spent on iXL, an email etc).
- If a child has not submitted a piece of work for three days, and there has been no contact from the parent, the class teacher will report that child as missing to SLT.
- If attempts to contact a family are unsuccessful, SLT will presume that child is 'missing in education' and follow the usual attendance procedures.

If conducting video meetings/recording material for lessons:

- Teachers should be in a neutral area where nothing personal or inappropriate can be seen or heard in the background.
- Staff and children must wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household.
- Teachers should only use their school email address to contact children or parents.

- Cameras (from a phone, tablet or computer) used should be in an appropriate area, for example, not in bedrooms; and where possible be against a neutral background.

Intervention Group Video Teaching:

- No one to one sessions, teach in groups only.
- Where one to one sessions occur, a parent must be present on the video call. If this can not be facilitated, the video call must be ended.
- Teachers should be in a neutral area where nothing personal or inappropriate can be seen or heard in the background.
- Staff and children must wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household.
- Any computers used should be in an appropriate area, for example, not in bedrooms.
- Live classes should be kept to a reasonable length of time, or the streaming may prevent the family ‘getting on’ with their day.
- Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family members in the background.
- All adults running online sessions should set expectations for behaviour at the start of the session and cease the video call if this is not adhered to.

Staff and children using St. Jude's owned devices from home:

- St. Jude's devices must be password protected if possible
- No personal data should be stored on the device
- Devices (including all charging attachments) must be returned to the school when it reopens
- If children have been loaned a device to work on from home, and appear to complete no additional learning once they have obtained the device, St. Jude's has the right to reclaim the device.